ELS can help dairy producers manage their herds by providing the most accurate, timely and cost-effective dairy diagnostic and analytical services in the industry.
Pregnancy Testing
ELS offers pregnancy testing for cattle, sheep and goats using blood or milk.
Testing with ELS is:
- Accurate: This test is 98 percent accurate and tests for a pregnancy-specific protein not progesterone, like some other pregnancy tests. With accuracy as high as ultrasound, pregnancy testing can help shorten calving intervals and improve the bottom line.
- Affordable: The test is economical.
- Timely: The test can be used to improve reproductive performance by detecting open and pregnant animals at 28 days post-breeding and 60 days post-calving.
Johne’s Testing
Do you know your herd’s Johne’s status? Johne’s is caused by Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP) bacterium and once established, can spread through the herd causing reduced herd performance, including milk loss, reduced reproductive performance and decreased feed efficiency. Johne’s is a hidden disease, so testing should be part of any management plan for cows and goats.
ELS offers milk and blood Johne’s testing through the ELISA and PCR methods.
- Accuracy: The sensitivity of Johne’s ELISA testing is 60 percent and the specificity is 99 percent. There is a very low rate of false positives, so you can be confident a positive cow is indeed infected. Milk or fecal PCR testing checks for MAP at the cellular level allowing for early and accurate detection for individual animals, pooled samples or even bulk tank samples.
- Affordable: Johne’s ELISA testing detects antibodies to MAP bacteria, making it economical and an excellent choice for screening cows or bulk tank milk for Johne’s.
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV)
Persistently infected BVD animals can spread the virus throughout a facility causing both acute and persistent infections in the herd and substantial economic loss. Detecting persistently infected animals is vital to stopping BVDV’s spread. BVDV testing can be performed using blood and milk.
- Blood testing: BVD ELISA testing is accurate and affordable and can be performed on ear notches or blood.
- Milk testing: PCR testing can accurately detect BVD DNA from one cow in a herd of 400 making it a great way to screen an entire herd. Milk samples can also be pooled to economically screen individual animals.
Protecting your herd and profits from BVDV requires a combination of herd health strategies including ongoing monitoring, effective vaccination program and biosecurity protocols to prevent reintroduction into your herd.
Contact ELS at 1-877-357-5227 or support@elslab.com to arrange diagnostic testing services for your operation.